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    IP Arbitration, Charity and NGO Consulting and Training


  • Who we are

    Swiss experience. Global practice.

    A Swiss lawyer with 30 years of experience in consulting MNCs and start-ups on intellectual property rights protection and arbitration, Dr. Peter E. Wild draws on his practice and experience with worldwide IP and NGO related work.



    Peter has advised clients in a wide range of industries, with extensive experience in sports, entertainment, medical technology and consumer goods. Today, his main area of legal practice is in the field of domain name arbitration.


    Wildpeak also offers research, advice and consulting for individuals and organizations which are looking to engange with NGOs. Presently he acts as



    Peter was the Chairman of the MARQUES Programming team and Vice Chairman of the MARQUES Dispute Resolution team and a member of the MARQUES Council, where he received the prestigious David Goldring Award. WIPO has also appointed Peter to be a panelist (Arbitrator) for UDRP Dispute Resolution.



    A native German speaker, Peter is fluent in English and speaks some French and Serbian. He graduated from the University of St. Gall (HSG) in 1986 where he also obtained his pHD in 1991. He obtained his Master of Comparative Law (MCL) at the University of San Diego (USD) in 1987 and a INSEAD IDN in 2018.

  •  Arbitration

    Privacy. Neutrality. Worldwide Enforceability.

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    Arbitration is a method for parties to resolve disputes in a binding, final and private manner.  An impartial tribunal of one or more arbitrators, agreed upon by the parties, decides the resolution and award, which is enforceable in over 145 countries. For arbitration to be an option, an arbitration clause should be included in the contract made between the parties involved.

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    The entire process (dispute, related documents and resulting award) is kept private and will not become part of public (and published) reords. This is most advantageous to disputes which may involve intellectual property.

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    Speed and flexibility

    Arbitration rules are simpler and more flexible than court rules, with the Parties able to agree on the process and the documents to be disclosed. Given the flexibility of procedures, arbitration is potentially more expedient than court litigation. Since arbitration decisions usually are final, the absence of appeals ensures a faster final resolution.

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    Choice of arbitrators

    Parties can give their input during the selection of arbitrators to ensure that the tribunal understands the commercial context and relevant issues of the dispute and has a well balanced set up.

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    Ease of Enforcement

    With the 1958 New York Convention, enforcing arbitration awards worldwide is much easier and effective than that for national court judgments. Arbitration awards can be enforced against the counter-party’s assets which are in any of the countries signatory to the Convention.

  • NOG and Charity work


    Having worked with many Charities and as Trustee of The Temple Garden Foundation and Council Member of the the Human Rights Watch, Peter has hands on experience. Wildpeak will share this experience with Charities which wish to re evaluate their approach to fund raising and with individuals or organisations which want to support Charities. Our focus is on SDGs 1, 2,3, 4,6 and 16.





    30 Cecil Street
    19-08 Prudential Tower
    Singapore 049712

  • News and Events

    Some interesting observations on TLDs


    If you have a few minutes, check out this report, investigating which TLDs get kept - and which get dropped. The research uncovered some staggering results, such as:







  • Blog

    update coming soon

    On September 7, 2015, the Swiss Federal Agency of Communication opens the new generic Top Level...
    Cementing its plans to be the Intellectual Property (IP) hub of Asia, Singapore will be hosting...
    Newest is not always best. This article raises the issue as to whether in international...
  • Contact Us

    Wildpeak Private Limited

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    30 Cecil Street
    19-08 Prudential Tower
    Singapore 049712

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